ISC M.Jeannerod
- Étienne Abassi
- PhD. Student
- Quentin Adrian
- PhD student CH Le Vinatier
- Szathmari Alexandru
- Neurosurgeon, Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery HFME
- Antoine AMELOOT
- PhD student
- Hajer Atti
- PhD student
- Jacopo Baldi
- PhD Student
- Lara Bardi
- Researcher
- Mauro Belluardo
- PhD student
- Sameh Ben Hadj Hassen
- Etudiant en these
- Suliann Ben Hamed
- Pricipal Investigator,Research director, CNRS
- Jennifer Beneyton
- iMIND Project manager
- Julien Benistant
- Post Doc
- Pierre-Aurélien Beuriat
- Associate Professor
- Marco Bimbi
- Research Engineer
- James Bonaiuto
- Pricipal Investigator,Team leader
- Tatiana Bortolato
- PhD Student
- Emmanuel Broussolle
- Professor/Clinician Neurological Hospital Pierre Wertheimer, Lyon Est
- Mathieu Cantan
- Camp Manager
- Marion Canuel
- Study engineer
- Chrystelle Castano
- Neuropsychologist
- Mai Chunmiao
- PhD student
- Rossella Cirillo
- Post-doctorant
- Justine Cléry
- Etudiante en these
- Irene Cristofori
- Associate Professor
- Catherine Crockford
- Pricipal Investigator,Head of lab
- Teodor Danaila
- Clinician Neurological Hospital Pierre Wertheimer, Lyon Est
- Justine Debatisse
- Post-doc
- Caroline Demily
- Principal Investigator
- Ed Derrington
- University Professor at Lyon I University
- Michel Desmurget
- Principal Investigator
- Fabio Di Bello
- Post-doctoral fellow
- Eloïse Disarbois
- Sara Dochez
- PhD Student
- Jean-Claude Dreher
- Principal Investigator
- Julien Dubreucq
- Psychiatrist
- Jean-René Duhamel
- Principal Investigator
- Sandra Duperrier
- Engineer assistant CNRS
- Léna Durieux
- Study engineer
- Pier Francesco Ferrari
- Principal Investigator
- Pierre Fourneret
- Professor
- Nicolas Franck
- Psychiatrist
- Mathilda Froesel
- Etudiante en thèse
- Corentin Gaillard
- Etudiant en thèse
- Christophe Gauld
- Psychiatrist
- Lisa Gauthier
- PhD student CNRS
- Clement Gba
- PhD Student
- Alexia Gerardin
- PhD Student
- Cédric Girard-Buttoz
- Post-doctoral scientist
- Nicolas Goupil
- PhD Student
- Mathilde Grampp
- Valentin Guigon
- PhD student
- Marie Habart
- Post-Doc
- Sirine Hassen
- PhD Student
- Bassem Hiba
- Pricipal Investigator,PI
- Jean-Remy Hochmann
- Principal Investigator
- Yang Hu
- Post-Doc
- Rémi Janet
- PhD Student
- Sébastien Kirchherr
- PhD Student
- Tadeusz Kononowicz
- Bastien Le Derout
- Biology technician
- Auriane Le Floch
- PhD Student
- Valentine Lécuyer
- Lab manager / Research assistant
- Alexis Lepetit
- Psychiatrist and Geriatrician
- Guillaume Lio
- Research engineer
- Jiawei Liu
- PhD student
- Celia Loriette
- Etudiante en thèse
- Lucas Maigre
- Mathieu Malherbe
- Virgile Manin
- Alice Massera
- Undergraduate student
- Julie Maulavé
- PhD student CNRS
- Felipe Medina
- Elise Metereau
- Research Engineer Neurological Hospital Pierre Wertheimer, Lyon Est
- Quentin Moreau
- Post-doctoral fellow
- Carmine Mottolese
- Neurosurgeon, Head of the Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery, HFME
- Raphaelle MOTTOLESE
- Pédopsychiatre
- Anna Moustaid
- Oscar Nodé-Langlois
- PhD Student
- Julie Noiret
- Assistant Ingénieur
- Toan Nong
- PhD student
- Sotiris Papadopoulos
- PhD student
- Liuba Papeo
- Principal Investigator
- Pathik Parekh
- PhD student
- Seongmin Park
- Researcher - CRCN
- Benjamin Pasquereau
- PI
- Thomas Perret
- Tina Peterson
- PhD Student
- Rémi Philippe
- PhD student
- Mathilde Pitoy
- PhD student HCL
- Andres Posada
- Research engineer
- Stéphane Prange
- Clinician Neurological Hospital Pierre Wertheimer, Lyon Est
- Holly Rayson
- Post-doctoral fellow
- Nathalie Richard
- Research engineer
- Felipe Rolando
- Eléonor Rolland
- PhD Student
- Alix Saude
- Masters student
- Christian Scheiber
- Medical Doctor
- Inès Sebti
- Ludwig Segalen
- PhD student CNRS
- Emilie Serraille
- Lab Manager
- Véronique Sgambato
- Pricipal Investigator,Tenured Researcher INSERM
- Angela Sirigu
- Principal Investigator
- Amelie Soumier
- Céline Spriet
- PhD Student
- Maciek Szul
- Post-doc
- Derry Taylor
- Post doc
- Stéphane Thobois
- Professor/Clinician Neurological, Hospital Pierre Wertheimer, Lyon Est
- Zixuan Tong
- PhD student
- Slimane Tounekti
- Etudiant en thèse
- Léon Tremblay
- Principal Investigator
- Antoine Valet
- PhD Student
- Anne-Evelyne Vallet
- Neurologist
- Marie Véricel
- Sofie Vettori
- Post-doc
- Sylvie Viaux-Savelon
- Psychiatrist
- Raphaele Von Koettlitz
- iMIND Communication manager
- Sylvia Wirth
- Principal Investigator
- Roman Wittig
- Pricipal Investigator,Director of Tai Chimpanzee Project
- Jing Xie
- Neurologist
- Yidong Yang
- Huang Yulong
- PhD student
- Zariry Zakaria
- Amale Zemmahi
- PhD student
- Sasa Zhao
- PhD student