Laboratory of Social Neuroscience and Comparative Development
Gino Coudé
Phone: (334) 37 91 12
G. Coudé a étudié les neurosciences à l’université de Montréal. Il a ensuite travaillé sur la neurophysiologie et la neuroanatomie des neurones moteurs et mirroirs chez les primates non-humains. Ainsi que sur le mouvement de préhension manuelle chez l’humain et le primate non-humain à l’Université de Parme et l’Université de Ferrara en Italie.
- E.De Stefani, M.Ardizzi, Y.Nicolini, M.Belluardo, A.Barbot, C.Bertolini, G.Garofalo, B.Bianchi, G.Coudè, L.Murray, P.F.Ferrari
Children with facial paralysis due to Moebius syndrome exhibit reduced autonomic modulation during emotion processing.
Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders, 12, Vol: 11, (2019), doi: 10.1186/s11689-019-9272-2 - G.Coudè, G.Toschi, F.Festante, M.Bimbi, J.Bonaiuto, P.F.Ferrari
Grasping Neurons in the Ventral Premotor Cortex of Macaques Are Modulated by Social Goals.
Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 299--313, Vol: 31, (2019), doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_01353 - M.Bimbi, F.Festante, G.Coudè, R.E.Vanderwert, N.A.Fox, P.F.Ferrari
Simultaneous scalp recorded EEG and local field potentials from monkey ventral premotor cortex during action observation and execution reveals the contribution of mirror and motor neurons to the mu-rhythm.
NeuroImage, 22--31, Vol: 175, (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.03.037 - P.F. Ferrari, M. Gerbella, G. Coudé, S. Rozzi
Two different mirror neuron networks: The sensorimotor (hand) and limbic (face) pathways
Neuroscience, 300 - 315, Vol: 358, (2017), doi: - Gino Coudè, Pier Francesco Ferrari, Francesca Rodá, Monica Maranesi, Eleonora Borelli, Vania Veroni, Fabio Monti, Stefano Rozzi, Leonardo Fogassi
Neurons Controlling Voluntary Vocalization in the Macaque Ventral Premotor Cortex
PLoS ONE, e26822, Vol: 6, (2011), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0026822