Neuroeconomics Laboratory

phone: (334) 37 91 12 38
I am the research director of the ‘Neuroeconomics, Reward and Decision Making’ team (CNRS, France). My background is in Mathematics (master) and Cognitive Neuroscience (Ph.D), which I studied in Paris (University Paris VI and Paris XI). I was subsequently trained in neuroeconomics and neuroimaging as a post-doctoral fellow at the National Institutes of Health (USA), where I conducted research on the neural mechanisms underlying cognitive control, decision making, reward and motivational processes. Since then, I focus on the neural mechanisms underlying value-based decision making in individuals and in social contexts. In 2004, I integrated the CNRS as a research scientist (tenured position) (ranked nº1 at the national level in the Neuroscience Section).
My goal is to build neurally informed neurocomputational models of human decision-making that explain differences in people’s choice behaviors (e.g. dietary, consumer, social or moral choices). To this end, my research draws on insights and methods from psychology, model-based fMRI and behavioral economics. To understand the neural mechanism that underly our decisions, I use computational models (e.g. machine learning) together with data collected in experiments using fMRI, MEG and intra-cranial recordings in humans. There is a need for building an integrative account of how motivation/emotions and decision processes interact, bridging the gap between fundamental computational principles and the brain system level. This approach should establish a mechanistic foundation for understanding disorders affecting motivation and decision making processes.
phone: +33 4 37 91 12 12
I am currently a post-doc at the ISC - Marc Jeannerod in Lyon in Dreher's team.
I was a PhD student at GATE CNRS in Lyon and I hold a PhD in Economics from Université Lyon 2.
My reasearch interests relate to both behavioral economics and neuroeconomics. I am focusing on the investigation of unethical/immoral behavior and its neuro-computationnal correlates
phone: +33 4 37 91 12 12
Graduated from psychology and neurosciences before holding a cognitive sciences master degree.
PhD student in Cognitive neurosciences at ISCMJ. Co-directed by Jean Claude Dreher & Marie-Claire Villeval, at Neuroeconomics team (Jean-Claude Dreher, UMR 5229 CNRS, ISCMJ) & Behavioral economics team (Marie-Claire Villeval, UMR 5824 CNRS, GATE), Lyon University, France.
Currently working on neural computations of individual's beliefs and decisions about ambiguous informations in a social context.
phone: (334) 78 72 03 73