Laboratory of Social Neuroscience and Comparative Development

phone: (334) 37 91 12 39
Since 2016 Dr Ferrari is Directeur de Recherche (Director of Research, DR1) at the CNRS in Lyon where he directs the laboratory of Social Neuroscience and Comparative development. Dr Ferrari received his degree in Biology at the University of Parma in 1992. During his Ph.D he conducted part of the research between the University of Parma, Italy, the University of London and the University of Leeds in UK. Soon after he became post-doc fellow at the Tufts University in Boston, USA. On his return to Italy he joined the team led by Giacomo Rizzolatti in Parma investigating the role of mirror neurons in emotional communication and intention. From 2007 to 2008, he served as Adjunct Scientist at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, conducting research on brain development in relation to cognitive functions and social behavior in macaque monkeys. He has also been adjunct Professor at the University of Maryland, USA and visiting Professor at the University of Reading, UK. Dr Ferrari has been Associate Professor in Neuroscience at the University of Parma, Italy, until 2016. Among his achievement he received the Willson distinguished lecturer award from the University of Georgia. He has also been president of the Italian Primatological Association, API. Together with Giacomo Rizzolatti, he is Director of the International School of Neurosciences "Sir John Eccles", at the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Italy. Dr Ferrari’s research program is supported by the National Institutes of Health current research is funded mainly by: the National Institutes of Health of the USA (P01 HD064653-01), University of Lyon 1, Fondation de France, Fédération pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau, Univerity of Lyon 1, the Italian Ministry of Health (PRIN), Centro Diagnostico Europeo Dalla Rosa Prati, Fondazione Bassignani, Giocampus.
Mauro Belluardo is a Ph.D student in Neuroscience and a Clinical Psychologist. He took the Bachelor degree in Experimental and Clinical Cognitive Psychology at Università di Roma of Rome in 2013 and the Master’s degree in Psychobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Parma, Italy, in 2016. In 2017 he started a Ph.D course in Neuroscience at the University of Parma under the supervision of prof. Pier Francesco Ferrari. His Ph.D. project is aimed at studying facial expressions time processing and facial cortical sensorimotor somatotopic and functional organisation in patients with congenital facial palsy, affected by Moebius Syndrome. He is also spending part of his Ph.D at the Institut des Sciences Cognitives - CNRS, Lyon, taking part in a behavioural and Magnetic Resonance Imaging research project focused on how non-humans primates social behaviours and brain development are affected by early experience.
MoreJulien Dubreucq (MD; Ph.D) is a child and adolescent psychiatrist specialized in perinatal psychiatry, stigma reduction and recovery-oriented practices. Currently working at the University Hospital of Saint-Étienne and the university of Saint-Étienne, he has spent a year at the department of perinatal psychiatry of the Erasmus Medical College (Pr Mijke Lambregtse-Vandenberg) and is a member of the RiseUp-PPD European consortium on peripartum depression (EU Cost Action 18138; Pr Ana Ganho-Avila) and the regional alliance for perinatal mental health (Pr Pierre Fourneret). His research interests include (using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods) : peripartum mental health care, participatory research, parent-baby early interactions, child's development, support for parents with serious mental illness or autism, stigma / self-stigma reduction and implementation of recovery-oriented practices in mental health services.
phone: (33)
Pierre Fourneret is a professor of child psychiatry at the Claude Bernard University of Lyon and head of the Developmental Psychopathology Department at the Mother and Child Hospital (Hospices Civils de Lyon). After a neuropsychology thesis devoted to self-awareness and its disorders, carried out under the supervision of Pr Marc Jeannerod (ISC CNRS Lyon) and Mrs Joelle Proust, philosopher of science (Institut Jean Nicod CNRS Paris), his interest focuses on neurocognitive development from infancy through adolescence. He is currently co-president of the National Federation of Neurodevelopmental and Learning Disorders Health Networks. Today, in connection with the teams of Pierfrancesco Ferrari and Angela Sirigu, he works more particularly on the social neurocognition of babies at risk or vulnerable.

Professeur des Universités-Praticien Hospitalier à l’Université Lyon Claude Bernard Lyon I et au Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier Depuis le 1er septembre 2005.
Chef de clinique-Assistant des hôpitaux puis Praticien Hospitalier Universitaire de 1998 à 2005. Doctorat (2001) et HDR (2003) en sciences cognitives. Créateur et responsable des diplômes d’université « Remédiation cognitive », « Psychoéducation » et « Pair-aidance en santé mentale »; coordonnateur du DES de psychiatrie de Lyon (université Lyon 1). Fondateur et président de l’association francophone de remédiation cognitive (AFRC). Coordonnateur du réseau de remédiation cognitive (réseau de soin national). Il a été responsable de l’équipe EDR-Psy, UMR 5229, CNRS & Université Lyon 1. Nicolas Franck a aussi créé le Centre ressource de réhabilitation psychosociale et de remédiation cognitive (CRR) et le Centre référent lyonnais en réhabilitation et en remédiation cognitive (CL3R).
Nicolas Franck est à l’origine d’un réseau de soin national comprenant plusieurs dizaines de structures (réseau de remédiation cognitive -, dont l'objectif est de favoriser le rétablissement des personnes accompagnées en renforçant leur pouvoir de décision et d'action grâce à des outils thérapeutiques spécifiques. Ce réseau, soutenu depuis 2013 par la DGS, s’appuie sur des formations à vocation nationale (diplômes d’université « Remédiation cognitive » créé en 2009, « Psychoéducation » créé en 2016 et « Pair-aidance en santé mentale » créé en 2019) et sur un développement de la cohérence des évaluations et des soins dans le domaine. Plusieurs structures du réseau se sont engagées dans une collecte de données (cohorte REHABase) qui a déjà permis de mieux caractériser la population ayant recours aux structures de réhabilitation psychosociale.
Nicolas Franck a conduit de nombreux projets multidisciplinaires, dont plusieurs ont été financés par le programme hospitalier de recherche clinique (PHRC) national. Il a publié plus de 150 articles scientifiques et a écrit ou coordonné des ouvrages principalement publiés chez Odile Jacob et Elsevier.
MoreChristophe Gauld is a sleep physician and a child and adolescent psychiatrist who works at the intersection of neurodevelopment and emerging disorders. Currently working at the University Hospital of Lyon in the child and adolescent psychopathology department of Pr Fourrneret, and at the University of Sorbonne, Paris, he have a doctoral-level education in medical humanities and a master's degree in computational engineering obtained at Ecole Centrale, Paris. He worked in Prof. Destexhe's NeuroPSI laboratory (Paris-Saclay) on biological neuron models and at the CRNL (Lyon) on Bayesian models of active inference applied to psychiatry. His research currently focuses on the modeling of clinical elements, applying to child psychiatry and sleep medicine methods of computational approaches, dynamic systems and symptom networks.


Sylvie Viaux-Savelon is a Child and adolescent Psychiatrist, PhD in Neurosciences, HDR
She was working 15 years in the Department of Child and adolescent Psychiatry, University Hospital Pitié-Salpêtrière, APHP, Paris and is working now in perinatal Unit in Hospices Civils de Lyon, University Lyon 1.
She is president of WAIMH France (World Association Infant Mental Health) and regularly organizes Francophone and European congresses on perinatal Infant Mental Health.
She developed Perinatality research focused on parents-child interactions and interactive synchrony during pre and post partum. Her research fields come from prenatal diagnosis outcome to all factors that can disturb parents child early interaction : maternal motor disabilities and parenthood, neglectness parenthood, prematurity, orality disorder, Prader willy Syndrom, Parents child early therapy, videofeedback therap, COVID pandemia… She collaborates with international teams from Israel ( Dr Miri past WAIMH International president), Brazil, Swiss etc..
She uses as well clinical research methods as Artifical Intelligence methods with synchrony modelization of the interactive synchrony.